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lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014

Presentado por :
jhoan sebastian mendez castellanos.
para lic.olivia lloreda zuñiga.
Tema:reflexive pronouns.
Fecha domingo 19 del 2014


Los pronombre reflexivos del inglés son: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves,themselves. Pertenecen a una clase de pronombre personal y se diferencian según criterios sintácticos. Aquí encontrarás ejemplos traducidos al español.
 myself (maisélf) - me, yo mismo.
yourself (iorsélf) - te, se, tú mismo.
himself (jimsélf) - se, él mismo bien.
herself (jersélf) - se, ella misma.
itself (itsélf) - se, a sí mismo .
ourselves (aorsélvs) - nos, nosotros mismos .
themselves (demsélvs) - se, ellos mismos

Intensive pronouns

Notice that all the above reflexive pronouns can also act as intensive pronouns, but the function and usage are different. An intensive pronoun emphasizes its antecedent. Look at these examples:
I made it myself. OR I myself made it.
Have you yourself seen it? OR Have you seen it yourself?
The President himself promised to stop the war.
She spoke to me herself. OR She herself spoke to me.
The exam itself wasn't difficult, but exam room was horrible.
Never mind. We'll do it ourselves.
You yourselves asked us to do it.

They recommend this book even though they themselves have never read it. OR They recommend this book even though they have never read it themselves.

reflexive pronouns
the underlined words are NOT the same person/thing
the underlined words are the SAME person/thing
John saw me.
I saw myself in the mirror.
Why does he blame you?
Why do you blame yourself?
David sent him a copy.
John sent himself a copy.
David sent her a copy.
Mary sent herself a copy.
My dog hurt the cat.
My dog hurt itself.
We blame you.
We blame ourselves.
Can you help my children?
Can you help yourselves?
They cannot look after the babies.
They cannot look after themselves.

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